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·Taiwanese customs: during the Songkran Dragon Boat Festival at Sea  ·Mang people: no family known as tribes located in southern Yunnan  ·Guilin Wangcheng site: the best preserved Ming Dynasty China Military Governors mansion  ·Norwegian fjords: the best unspoiled travel destination in the world  ·Lhasa City Scenery, Tibet  ·Shangrila landscape, Yunnan Province  ·Xidi Old Town In Yi County  ·Greece Scenery  ·Changbai Mountain Scenery  ·Modern ports of images for the Sixtieth Anniversary of People's Republic of China to celebration  ·The 12th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return: see the charm of Hong Kong through the lens  ·Millennium ancient castle: Shujiatang Castle of Fenghuang old city, Hunan Province  ·Chinese Steam locomotive  ·Lama Temple: the most popular of Beijing's temples  ·Grand Palace  
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